Sunday 1 February 2015

Quick Post

Hey happy readers,

I'm just updating you on a few things.

As you may know I have read all the books that are currently out by Marissa Meyer and have not reviewed any of them.

I must mention that I have come to the conclusion that I will be only reviewing the first book of the series if it's a debut for the series. I will tell everyone if I look forward to carrying on the series or if you should too.

BUT howver,

I will not be reviewing the next books in the series, as I don't want to spoil anyone of the first book/ So I am going to review the series as a whole, without spoilers of course. This will help me to tell you the true potential of the series.

I just want to try this out and if it fails I will be diff stopping this.

But if it all goes well I will continue with it.

Anyway that is all, I will be deleting this post in the next 24hrs so yes that is my plan.

Also I will not be reviewing The Lunar Chroicles individually but rather than as a whole so my review will come out when I have finished Winter.

I feel this will be a good way for me to talk about how the novellas worked well with the series and bring up any problems that I had with the series. (which are none so far.)

Okay thank you for reading this, sorry about grammar mistakes (as it always seems to happen in every post but I will improve)

But Im not editing this one at all.

Okay thank you for reading this post and happy reading everyone.

Greg, x

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